I settled in to get my Ipod synced and download a few new songs. Since we've had I tunes downloaded on the computer for awhile and have loaded most of our CDs onto it, I thought this would be a piece of cake. HA! I had a download a newer version of I tunes since ours was older and wouldn't support the new nano. Fine. When I did that, it said that Quick Time was not found and I needed to re install I tunes. Fine. This is the vicious cycle I was in for the next several hours. After trying several times, yelling at the computer, blood pressure rising, and finally googling my problem, I discovered several others have had this same problem. I believe it has something to do with Vista (as usual). I tried a fix I found on the internet that didn't work, and I have an e-mail into a tech person. And so I just sit and look at my pretty i pod that I was hoping to have been listening to in my scrap area at this very moment. Anyway, in the midst of all that, I got my behind kicked in bowling on the wii. Normally that wouldn't really bother me, however already being in a bad mood, it was an even bigger blow. At about 10 minutes to midnight, I was giving Brennan some Nyquil before bed. As he carried the Nyquil back to the bathroom, he dropped it before the lid was on tight. Before we were able to pick it up, about 1/2 the bottle spilled all over the carpet- One big puddle and splotches everywhere. He felt awful, and so did Gary and I. So we rang in the new year scrubbing the dark red stains and praying it would come out. Gary got out the steam cleaner, and of course, couldn't get that to work for the first 20 minutes or so. Thankfully, he got it figured out. Most all of the small splotches are out, but the big puddle is still visible after several go-overs with the steam cleaner. Ugh. I went to bed at about 1 or so, and, like the last several nights, was not able to go to sleep for some reason. That being said, I don't want to sound like a complainer. I have so much to be thankful for and I decided to dwell on those things before I fell asleep (and believe me, I had a lot of time to do that since I couldn't fall asleep!).
Anyway, onto 2009! We slept in til 10 AM!!!!!! All of us!!! We watched Iowa win the Outback Bowl (which I could have cared less about since I'm a Cyclone fan), and have had a very relaxing day, which has been lovely. I've been doing some laundry, organizing some stuff, cleaning, and meal planning. I am going to place a large order of photos from the last part of 2008 after while and then try to get my 2008 pics burned onto CDs. Then I clear them off my hard drive. I try to just keep the current year on there. Anyway, I made this little accordian album last night to remind me of the word I have chosen for 2009. I mentioned this in my last post.
Along with my word, I've thought of a few goals I'd like to accomplish in the coming year. I've done this on past New Year's, but I don't know if I've ever had them written down like I am doing here. So my plan is to go back next year and evaluate my progress to see if they were met or GETTING CLOSER TO BEING ACCOMPLISHED. I want to see this as a process. I think too many times, Resolutions, once broken, make us feel like failures. I want to focus on the process just as much as the end result. That being said, these are a few additional goals I have for the coming year besides the things mentioned in my book above.
1) I want to improve my photography skills. I have this nice camera with all sorts of settings that I have no clue how to use. I have been photographing some food that I have been making (for a recipe book) and I just have no idea how to make it look good. I have been photographing my layouts for uploading, and I just never seem to have the right lighting, etc. There are on-line classes I have seen, and I'd really like to take one.
2) I want to try a little digital scrapbooking. I said a little, and that's what I mean. I truly enjoy the paper and goodies in my hands that I cannot imagine sitting at a computer to do it all. That's just not me. However I do want to learn some basic digital things- I just got Corel Paint Shop Pro and I want to learn how to use layers, brushes, and make collages. I would also like to make at least one digital album on Shutterfly or a site like that. I would love to learn how to make a new digital banner for this blog and spruce it up some more. Sometimes the whole technology overwhelms me to the point of wanting to throw the whole computer out the window (see above whining!) and other times I realize this is where society is heading, so I better get on board with it!
3) I am going to participate in my first 5 K at Old Settlers. I made a pact last year with my husband and some friends that I would "run" in the race. Now, I'd like to say I'm going to run the whole thing, but I'm not setting myself up for that just yet! If I can get across the finish line without needing to be carried, I'll feel like I accomplished something! I would also like to run in the 5 K at Race for the Cure instead of walking the mile.
Well I've rambled far too long for this post! If you stuck with me to the end, congratulations! Unfortunately there's no prize.
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