Monday, October 12, 2009

pumpkin week

Although I do not enjoy the coming of fall (because I hate winter with a passion) I do like a few of the elements of fall. One of those is pumpkins! I love to decorate with them, and I love to make pumpkin recipes. So I have decided that this week is going to be pumpkin week on my blog. Each day (hopefully!!) I will feature a favorite pumpkin recipe. Today's is our family's top pick. I believe I got this pumpkin chocolate chip muffin recipe from my sister. These are easy to make, very moist, and everywhere I take them, someone wants the recipe. They make a big batch, but when I make them at home, they are gone within a couple of days. If you try them, let me know what you think!

Pumpkin Muffins

4 eggs

2 C sugar

1 1/2 C oil

15 oz. can pumpkin

3 C flour

2 tsp. soda

2 tsp. baking powder

1 tsp. cinnamon

1 tsp. salt

2 C chocolate chips

Mix ingredients in the order given. Fill muffin cups 3/4 full. Bake at 375 degrees for 16-20 minutes.

As I was googling my pumpkin picture I found some others that I thought I'd share. Love this one!
Big Mac Pumpkin

USA Pumpkin

and Puking Pumpkin


  1. I love love love pumpkin EVERYTHING and so does one of my friends from work. I'm looking forward to trying this recipe and sharing it with my friend. THANKS!!!

  2. My pumpkin muffin recipie might not be as "homemade" or yummy as yours, but:
    1 can pumpkin
    1 spice cake mix
    stir & put in muffin tins. Bake.
    So easy, even my pre-schoolers can make them and they are really good. Keep the recipies comin'. I'll be checking in.
    BTW - love the pumpkin pix!

  3. I have now mixed up the muffins and am preheating the oven...and waiting for Jason to get back from the 'chocolate chip' run....can't wait to try them. Thanks for sharing!
