Here is Bradley with his Timothy award. This is given when a clubber has completed all of the Cubby, Sparky, and T&T books for the AWANA program. That is an equivalent of saying 100's of verses over the years. We are very proud of him for sticking with it, and doing all of that basically on his own for the last couple of years. He took responsibility for getting done what needed to be done. I hope and pray that what he has learned from God's Word will remain hidden in his heart.
The boys had a piano recital today. Grandma and Grandpa Hydorn got to come up and see it, so that was a special treat. The boys played a duet together...
Here is Bradley playing his piece. I had a picture of Brennan playing his, but I think I accidentally deleted it when I was trying to move pictures around in my post. Ugh! I can't say I'm any more savvy on this site than when I started! Anyway, both of the boys did a wonderful job! This is Bradley's 6th year playing (he's on his 3rd teacher during those years) and Brennan just started this year. The lady who gives them lessons now is the Jr. High and High School choir teacher, and she does an excellent job with the kids. Both of the boys made great progress, and Bradley was definitely pushed harder than he has been (which is OK!!).
Although these activities are great, it's kind of nice to bring them to a close for a little while. I love the laid back feel of summer- sleeping in ( I REALLY like that aspect!), going to the pool, staying up late, some days having nothing to have to get to or do, and being outside. And when the summer is over, we're always ready to get back into the schedule again!
Well I'll stop for now. I'm hoping to post more this week because I HAVE THE WHOLE WEEK OFF!!!!!!! That doesn't happen very often- an entire week with no students, so I have a long list of things I plan to accomplish- closets to clean, house to organize, suppers that I actually make and our family will eat them together (a concept that's been a little foreign to us lately), summer tutoring to plan for, and a garage sale in two weeks to get ready for, pictures to print, scrapbooking to (hopefully) do, and many other odds and ends. Throw in a couple of ballgames and company next weekend, and I know this week will fly by too fast!! The kids will be out of school on Tuesday at 11, so Wed. (I hope) will be pool day- of course, we have to have a little fun too!
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