Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Survival of the Fittest

No, we are not believers in evolution and how this phrase is often used in science terms. I have deemed the boys' sleeping situation this way.

The boys have always had their own rooms and beds. They have never had to share...until now. While we are in the rental they are sharing Brad's full sized bed. And neither one is thrilled. Both have complained that the other one kicks and hogs the bed and covers. In the first few days, when I would go to wake them up in the morning, one of them was lavishing in all the covers and the other was huddled up with no covers to be had trying to stay warm with their own body heat alone. This is where 'survival of the fittest' comes in. They soon learned that in order to win the cover war, whoever could roll themselves up in the covers first stays warm! The other brother is outta luck!  Since Brennan goes to bed first, he realized that in order to be warm, he'd nestle himself all in because even when he tries to un-burrito Bradley, he's too heavy for him to budge. And even if Brennan was already tootsie rolled up in the depths of the fleece, Bradley would simply pry him out of the covers and steal them after Bren was fast asleep. So as far as who is the fittest? I think Bradley has won that contest this time.
Problem solved- both boys have their own blankets- not to be shared with the other. So far it's working pretty well- at least I thought it was. I came in the other night before I went to bed and saw them like this.
Perhaps Brennan was beating up on him for revenge? Maybe that's what he dreams about??

So I giggled only imagining what might have gone on in the minutes before I took this shot.

Fast forward a couple of nights... the bed wars continue. Only this time there is a new culprit

As if the two boys having nightly wars isn't enough, now the overweight cat is hogging their bed! Yes, Brennan is literally lying on the bottom half of his side of the bed, while Maizy sprawls out to her heart's content. Now all we need is Oreo to cram in here and the picture will be complete.

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