Tuesday, October 7, 2008

School picture day

Heard 'round the Hydorn household this morning...

"I hate this comb- it's for girls!" (when I wanted to run over the hair with a vented brush)

"I can fix my own collar! I'm not a baby! (when I tried to fix the collar that was all crooked)

"I already combed my hair! (when I merely tried to brush down the untouched pieces sticking straight up on the back of his head)

"This shirt's stupid!" (how dare I pick out a shirt that doesn't have a sports team or a number on it)

"Hairspray makes your hair all crunchy!" (while I was spraying- praying and hoping the hair will still look decent in 3 or 4 hours when the picture finally gets taken)

"I'm not wearing make-up!" (when I wanted to put a little concealer over the bright red pimples on the face)

"I don't care!" (said very matter-of-factly to everything I suggested about the day's grooming)

"I want pose number one. All of the others are dumb!" (even though I liked that pose the very least)

"My hair looks fine! Don't touch it! (when I tried to do some touch-up)

"I hate picture day!" (offered more than once in the 1/2 hour before school)

These choice comments were spoken by my lovely cherubs as we prepared for school pictures this morning. I, on the other hand, handled it much better as I responded with a few choice phrases of my own...

" I'm done with your attitude!"

"Let me help you!" (as I had to chase Brennan around the kitchen table while he tried to escape me fixing his collar)

"Well I do care! I'm paying $30 for these stupid pictures!"

"You're not wearing a hood! It will mess up your hair!"

"Please do not "rake" your hair forward with your fingers before your pictures (knowing his usual method of "combing")

"Smile nicely. I'm not paying good money for one of your goofy smiles. I can get that for free any day."

it's no wonder I hate picture day as much as the boys do-

1 comment:

  1. cracking up! Now I see why you came to Bible study a tad frazzled that day :)
