Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Thought I'd post a few layouts I've done recently. You can click on them to see them more closely. The pictures here just don't seem to do them justice. It seems like scrapbooking is always on the mind, but doesn't get done as often as I'd like. Now that I have everything moved downstairs to the "cat pan suite" (as I lovingly refer to it - I share my little scrapbooking nook with the litter box!) I can keep a layout on my desk and work on it a little at a time. Now I just need the time! I was able to go to an all-day fundraiser crop here in Carlisle at the school a few weeks ago, so I accomplished quite a bit there.
The clock layout is of my family, of course! I have come to realize how grateful I am for the fun we can have when we're all together. The more people I talk to, the more I realize how this is not the way it is in all families! We had found these fake glasses in a pile of stuff from the move, and part of the day's entertainment was everyone trying them on! I especially like Dan's expression! The top layout was pictures of us cleaning out the house before getting it on the market. Everyone pitched in and worked together, however it was very emotional packing up my childhood home. I plan to do another layout just writing down specific memories from/in the house over the years.
I just love this last picture of Brennan. It's one of my very favorites. This was the last day of swimming lessons last year, and he was just enjoying the sunshine (and his sucker from the teacher!). I know it's hard to read, but I journaled around the outside of the page. Maybe someday I'll figure out how to get a neat little border around my pictures, and maybe even scan something straight! Or get this all to lay out nicely (which I've been messing with and can't line the pictures up right for some reason. Grrr! A graphics design guru could have a heyday with this amateur attempt at technology.
And I'll leave tonight with one last thought. As I mentioned earlier in the post, I just don't seem to have time to scrapbook. In a way, that's true because I work and have responsibilities at home to attend to. My boys take up a lot of time with their activities, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I love that! But I have a quote posted on my memo board in my entry way that reads, "You will never find time for anything. If you want time, you must make it." Charles Buxton I definitely believe that to be true. I say that I don't have time to exercise, but the truth is, I don't want to make time at 6:00 AM to do it! I may say I don't have time to do my devotions, but I probably had time to sit at the computer and surf. I know that I have been given 24 hours in my day, just like everyone else, and what I get accomplished is due to the choices I make. So, if I want time to scrapbook, or exercise, or read my Bible, or anything else, I will make wise choices, and I am the one responsible for whether it gets done or not. So, I'll jump down off my soapbox, and stop rambling for now!

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