Thursday, August 6, 2009

Back home...

but wishin' I wasn't. I had a FABULOUS time in Florida. Now it's back to the rat race. If it weren't 12:15 AM with a busy day ahead tomorrow, I'd tell you all about it. But I'll just leave this post with my favorite picture from the trip for tonight (or this morning I guess!) and when things slow down, I'll post more.
Thanks for those of you who've been hanging in there with me. I've been pretty terrible about posting lately. Sometimes I wonder who really reads this- post a comment if you do so I know who's out there! If you're not sure what to use, when it asks for your ID, you can just post as "Anonymous" and then sign your name.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I'm subscribed to your feed and I love to read your updates - it makes me feel like we're not so far apart. :-)

  3. I love you friend! I am so glad you had such a wonderful time. Talk about last post is sooooo old. BUT, I plan to get to it this week. I have been furiously writing, kids had swim lessons and I taught/led music at VBS this whole week. I am ready to start in on my huge "to-do" list that has been piling up.

  4. I read it!
    I am glad you had the chance to get away with your hubby in Florida!

  5. I read your blog, Kate! I love it! Keep those photos coming!

